I have been going into the Tinmouth Fen for many years and have grown to love it for the special place that it is. For a long time I have wanted to go into the fen to see the tamaracks as they change into their golden splendor and every year I miss the color change. So this year I was determined to get in there to see just what the Tinmouth Fen looks like in the fall. I hope these photos that I took will give you some idea of just how special the Tinmouth Fen is.

The image here don't begin to cover the whole Few in part because boots are necessary to get around the fen and there no guarantee that you wont get wet anyhow. Also the fen has a very vague border so I don't know where the Tinmouth Fen end and the Tinmouth Channel begins. The aquifer extends for miles, I once went in from the north end in a kayak. There was all kind of birds and animals going about their business and as the light begin to fade we had to leave. To this day I have know idea how far we managed to get before we had to turn around and head home, which is way I wanted to try it again some day. The channel has the feel of being in a wilderness when you are out in it, and not getting wet is not a option because you must carry your kayak over a few beaver dams as you paddle the channel.

In the spring and summer both the Tinmouth Channel and the Fen are full of wildlife, interesting plants and orchids. The fact that many first time state records for plants ,dragonfly and such have come out of the Tinmouth Fen speaks to how special this habitat is. The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Dept has purchased the channel and some of the fen to protect it. But like all things the unprotected parts are being damaged and may not be protected before its to late.
Enough of that I went to try and photograph the fen and tamaracks as the sunset but was to late and as I made my way in the light was fading fast . I stopped to make a few images during the "Magic Blue Hour" using my flash to create some pleasing and interesting images.

These last two image are from the woods around the fen as the sun came up this morning and the fog burned off the light was beautiful for making images. The light coming through the tree had me sitting and watching this bright spot for the right moment.

Standing in a grove of tamaracks with all the light in the tops of the trees I used my 8mm fisheye
to create this super wide-angle image . The Tamaracks, the sky and colors were all chromatically balanced to help make this image work.

That it for now.
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