Saturday, April 7, 2012

Night Photography Workshop " A Night at the Fair" coming in August

Here a few images for your inspiration. I would go to the fair and photograph. I had a great time doing this and am planning a late August to early Sept workshop that will focus on photographing "A Night at the Fair". If you have any interest in being part of this workshop you can contact me at 802-228-5216 or at :
peter manship designs at PMD is one word no spaces. Also I'am starting a mailing list for people that want to receive my newsletter every once in awhile.....about what I'm doing and up coming workshops etc.

This last image was one of my favorite for a long time but like everything it has been replaced by a group of images that represent one of those magic nights that happen when your out there pushing the edges of your abilities. I will be posting some of those images as we get closer to the date of that workshop.
thanks for stopping by

Peter Manship

Legal Notification
All images Copyright 2012 Peter Manship All rights reserved
Reproduction, printing or distribution of these images and copy is protected by US and International Copyright laws

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